The trip from intake to adoption for a kitty can have a lot of twists and turns, like all good love stories. But here’s the story of a typical adoption experience with two cats that are anything but!
Last September, we were contacted by a kind-hearted person who had been feeding and caring for two friendly stray cats behind a restaurant where she worked. She was concerned that they were not receiving all the care they needed, and there was “something funny” about their eyes. The kittens were bonded pair and needed each other.
We trapped the cats and brought them into our care. The “something funny” turned out to be one case of extreme cross-eyes (Porkchop), and another case of badly scarred corneas (Lambchop). Their vision may not be perfect, but they took care of each other, and it didn’t stop them from playing, purring, and becoming pretty darn adorable and adoptable.
Porkie and Lambie went into a great foster home while we determined their medical needs and published their story, hoping for just the right adopter to come along, who would take them both and love their special faces.
Enter Pelin! She saw our posts and opened her heart. We introduced the kittens to her on a Zoom call, which is our new covid-safe (and better than before) process for introducing cats to potential adopters. It is a great way to see cats behaving normally in their natural environments, not stressed or scared as they often are in a cage at an unfamiliar adoption event. It’s also a chance to ask questions to the people who know the kitties best – the fosters. Pelin was quickly overcome by the abundant cuteness of these two goofy kittens, and we approved her application to adopt.
Once approved, we made delivery plans. We provided complete information about Porkchop and Lambchop’s dietary and medical needs, and they were delivered to Pelin using covid-safe protocols. Pelin welcomed Porkchop and Lambchop into her home and her heart, and now they are pretty much the bosses of the house! We, and they, couldn’t be happier!
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